Murder at Darling Hill


“The Stonington Tragedy” by Judith G. Dupont

A deeply researched account of an incident that shook Stonington society to its roots and gained region-wide notoriety, narrated by a writer who grew up near Darling Hill. It is the first in the Society’s Ramsbotham Editions, a series named in honor of Captain Robert J. Ramsbotham, a long-time president of the Society.

“…the Langworthys had just made their way up the steep hill. Suddenly a man came running toward them shouting something unintelligible. The night was dark, only slightly illuminated by a new crescent moon low in the western sky, and rain clouds were gathering as a nor’easter brewed. As he was leading his horse into the carriage house, Henry was followed by the disheveled man, who turned out to be his own hired hand, Bill Libby. Libby was blurting out a story about two men entering the house, striking him in the head, and killing Irvin.”

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