Draggerman’s Haul by Ellery Thompson
Ellery Thompson was born to the sea of generations of New England sailors and fishermen. He spent his adult life fishing the waters of southern New England. In 1947 he was profiled in the The New Yorker magazine in a series of articles by writer Joseph Mitchell. In 1950 he was compelled to write Draggerman’s Haul, an autobiographical look back at his 35 years of working the water. Full of marine adventures, humorous anecdotes and Ellery’s philosophy, the book received much national acclaim. This expanded edition of Draggerman’s Haul includes additional information on the life and times of Captain Ellery Franklin Thompson, as well as excerpts from Come Aboard the Draggers, his successful follow up which was published in 1959.
Published 10/30/2007 Flat Hammock Press