Historical Footnotes

Historical Footnotes: Bulletin of the Stonington Historical Society has been issued quarterly since November 1963. It is devoted to publishing research and documents on local and regional history. In addition, it reports major activities of the Stonington Historical Society. It is supported by membership dues and by local advertisers.


Williams Haynes, 1963-1964, 1965 John B. Landry, 1965 MacDonald Steers, 1965-1969 Thomas W. Storrow, 1969-1978 Emily N. Wharton, 1978-1982 Taliaferro Boatwright, 1982-1998 James Boylan, 1998-2003 Betsy Wade, 2003-2009 Elizabeth Wood 2009

Historical Footnotes seeks to touch on the major themes of Stonington history:
  • Its centuries-old links with the sea.
  • The battles fought by Stonington men and women to preserve their liberties.
  • The enduring groups and families within the community.
  • The transformations from colonial settlement to thriving seaport to diverse twenty-first-century town.
  • And the individuals — such as Captain John Mason and Nathaniel B. Palmer, discoverer of Antarctica — who shaped the town’s history.

The editor welcomes manuscripts on these and related subjects.

Historical Footnotes seeks to touch on the major themes of Stonington history:

Please visit the R.W. Woolworth Library Stonington History Resources page for more information on Stonington’s history.

Individual subscriptions to Historical Footnotes are provided with membership in the Stonington Historical Society. The procedure for joining the Society is described at About the Society.
Institutional subscriptions to Historical Footnotes are available at $30 a year. Please send orders to:
Historical Footnotes Stonington Historical Society P.O. Box 103 Stonington, CT 06378
Advertising is available at $40 a column inch (2.25 inches x 1 inch) per year; second-color and full-color ads are also available at higher rates. All editorial and advertising inquiries should be addressed to:
Elizabeth Wood P.O. Box 103 Stonington, CT 06378 (860) 535-8445 ext 11,  footnotes@stoningtonhistory.org