An Island Cabin


Written by Arthur Henry

Forward by Maggie Walker

Afterward by Stephen Jones

In reaction to the burgeoning industrial blight of late 19th century America, the author flees from the big city with a scheme to write a book. It is to be about idyllic life on a small island off the coast of Eastern Connecticut. He finagles a tiny piece of land surrounded by water and hires a local hotel keeper/carpenter to construct a small two-story cabin. To transport him back and forth from the fishing and shipbuilding village of Noank, he finds a local rigger to knock together a little sailing skiff. The potential for this Thoreauvian plan begins to fray, however, when he invites two women. Neither is the wife or daughter he has left back in the Midwest. All seems well until arrives another guest and his and his wife and maid. The restless man whom he here calls “Tom” is in reality nonetheless than the future great of American letter, Theodore Dreiser. To add to the mix Arthur Henry imports three Noank cats.

Published by Flat Hammock Press